From Alpha to Omega: An Overview of the Bible
Christian Author Stanley Rasberry
In his new book release From Alpha to Omega: An Overview of the Bible by Stanley D. Rasberry offers to readers a “short handbook of the Bible” to assist readers in understanding the Bible, from beginning to end. Rightly named, From Alpha to Omega, (in Greek meaning “the beginning” and “the end”) the author begins with the book of Genesis through the book of Revelation, 66 books covered in all.
Grouped into 15 separate sections and a List of Tables, the author has made the Bible easy to understand. His purpose is to help readers know time periods, meanings and messages, the authors of the relevant sections and how this intertwines with us today in this modern-day age.
Readers will come to understand the Bible as a book of prophecy that has told the beginning and the end of the human race, giving instructions on how to live, the origin of sin, man and the many centuries that have passed since the beginning of time. The author states, “With it in hand, the reader can see the Bible with fresh eyes.”(p.v).
This is a must-read and complimentary to anyone wanting to understand the meaning of life, their purpose with focus on The Old and New Covenants, the Gospels, Jesus, and God’s divine plans for humanity and the future End Time scenario. With such sections as: Alpha: Jesus and the Eons, Two Men: Job and Mel, Chosen People, Escape from Egypt, Covenants, Laws and Sacrifices, Promised Land, Three Kings, Wisdom and Songs, Six Empires, Two Captivities, One Restoration, The Gospels, The New Church, Instructions to the Growing Church, Omega: The Revelation of Jesus, with discussions on the Early Church years and study group sessions, the author has given a complete overview. Additional Tables give valuable information such as: The Twelve Tribes of Israel, The Ten Commandments, the Feasts and Festivals, The Judges, Psalms Themes, Abbreviated Timelines, The Kings after Solomon, and so much more that add to the scope of the book.
With the inclusion of the original Greek in sections the author begins with Scripture and introduces succinctly and concisely each historical event in the corresponding book of the Bible. Suggested reading is to read each section. Then, if desired, read the referenced Bible material covered in the Bible (i.e., Genesis, and so on). Designed for the mature and new Christian alike, this handbook is an excellent resource that makes understanding the Bible, easy, convenient and fascinating.
Highly, highly recommended for all Christians, pastors, Bible instructors, lay teachers and counselors, Bible study groups or individuals seeking to better understand the Bible and God’s divine blueprint for planet Earth and all of humanity. Condensed and concise (only 222 pages), this book would also be a good book for professors to add to their list of required reading in Bible schools and degree programs.