The Importance Of Wisdom
Earlier this week, I was doing some searches online to see what other Christian Book Marketing services were being offered and I came by a few posts that made mention of 100 plus ways or places to promote your book which offered links to over 100 various sites.
As I started clicking on the links to view the sites, I found the following:
- Dead links, meaning links to sites that did not exist.
- Links that led to sites that no content has been posted on.
- Links that led to sites with poor content.
- Links that led to sites that hadn't been posted on for months and some for years.
Overall as I reviewed the sites in the list, I found that many of the links went to facebook pages that required a user name and password to access. Then as I looked further, I noted that many of the sites were simply generic sites and sites of no value. It seemed like the more I looked, the less value that I found.
When looking for places to promote your Christian book regardless of whether the marketing is free or comes with a price, consider the following:
- The content on the sites. Will the overall site and content compliment your book?
- Are the sites constantly updated with new content or is the content months and years old?
- Are the sites a good fit for a Christian book?
- Are other Christian books ( recent releases ) and authors found on the sites?
- What is the overall quality and appearance of the sites?
- How long have the sites been online? You can tell by how much content is on each site?
- Is this a site that you want your book associated with.
Remember, it is important that you promote your book in a well established network, on sites that will compliment your book, sites with lots of great content and sites that will tap into the Christian Marketplace. Don't just post your book or links to your books page on any site. That can do more damage than good.
If you are looking for a well established network of Christian sites with lots of great content on them, contact Smitty at kingdomexpansion1 (at) gmail (dot) com