Christian Book Marketing, Christian Book Publishing Announces Christian Training Book

According to a recent ABC poll, up to 94% of high school students stop attending church after graduating because of Biblical challenges and stagnation of their faith. Additionally, over 50% of all weekly churchgoers are not Christian! Christians are not mature in their faith because many professing Christians do not even know the basics of their faith.
According to the results of a survey conducted recently by LifeWay Research, over 3,000 participants were asked a set of 47 questions about foundational Christian beliefs. 
Most of the answers revealed a mishmash of heresy and confusion about Christianity’s most basic doctrines. It’s not just the departures from these historic doctrines that should concern us, but the contradictory answers. It shows that Americans in general, and evangelicals in particular, are clueless on basic Christian doctrine.
This is the basis for Christian Basic Training (CBT).
Every year professional athletes attend training camp to get back to the basics of their particular sport. Regardless of their previous successes, they review the fundamentals (hitting, fielding, base-running, blocking, tackling, special teams, etc.) of their profession to insure that they have a solid foundation in which to excel. Most games are won or lost because of a lapse in a basic skill. These are professional athletes making millions of dollars, yet they go back to the basics each and every year and before every game. They hone their skills to insure that they are foundationally sound, so that the game to them becomes second nature.
This is what God is asking each of us to do as well; get back to the basics of the Christian faith to be sure that we are Biblically sound. Most parents and churches are failing in this area!
Christian Author and Speaker, Craig T. Feigh, has compiled a list of the 42 most basic Christian foundational principles in an easy-to-understand “workbook” format that allows both the new and mature Christian the ability to understand and articulate the basics of the Christian faith.
  • Getting back to the basics and building a strong Biblical foundation helps us in many ways:
  • It helps us become closer to God and grow in our faith
  • It helps us Biblically resist the temptations from the devil and non-believers
  • It helps us to weather the storms of life
  • It helps us to faithfully share and defend our faith
  • It helps us to be assured of our salvation This is a must-read for anyone wanting to know the basic doctrines of the Christian faith and a must have for every Church Bible Study group.

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