Christian Book Banners - Lets Showcase Your Book

25 Custom Christian Book Banner Promotion
Plus 50 Site Book Marketing Package

Let's create a Custom Book Banner Promotion for your book and post the Custom Banners on 50 Christian Sites with clickable links back to your book's Amazon page and author's website. People are visual and custom banners showcasing your book are very attractive to book lovers. 

Here Is What Is Included:
  • We will create 25 Custom Banners that showcase your book.
  • We will incorporate your front book cover and back cover into the Custom Banner. 
  • We will include your name as the author in the banner.
  • We will include your book title in the banner.
  • We will include "Available at Amazon" in the banner.
  • Each Custom Banner will have a different background picture that compliments your book cover.
  • If you have an Author's website address, we will include your site address in the banner. 
  • We will email you all 25 Custom Banners for your use.
  • You can post them elsewhere online, on your website, on Facebook, and on Twitter and you will also be able to print them out to use at book signing events or giveaways.
The Custom Banners and 50-Site Book Marketing Package will professionally showcase your book, get the word out, attract book lovers and is great for not only promoting your book but also your book's Amazon page and your Author's website if you have one. Great for SEO, page rank, page positioning, and backlinks which are very important.

"Remember, if they can't find your book and do not know that it exists and is available to purchase, they can't buy it". 

for more information or contact  

Christian Book Publishing

Christian Book Publishing

Helping Christian Authors and Writers Publish
their Books to the Glory of God!

From manuscript editing, interior book design and layout, and book cover designs to Christian Book Publishing Assistance Packages, we can help you publish your Christian book and save money in the process.  

Our Christian Book Publishing Assistance Packages place the author in complete control of their published works holding 100% copyright of their book and providing them with great author ordering book prices and the ability to log into their publishing account and see book sales in real-time 24/7/365 days a year.

Contact us for a free evaluation, recommendations,
and a quote for services. 

Christian Book Publishing

Christian Book Marketing - The Hands Of A Warrior

This is more than a devotional, it's a training manual for the battlegrounds of the spiritual war that is taking place on your family right here, right now. It's time to quit giving the enemy the rights to your family and step into battle with full vengeance. Too many dads these days are complacent. They're watching from the sidelines as they leave their child's eternity in the hands of the world. Men are refusing to accept their biblical role as the spiritual leader in the home and are failing their families, their children, and their grandchildren. Why are the current generations fleeing the church in overwhelming numbers? Because too many fathers haven't prepared their children for battle and the enemy is luring them away.

You Write It and We Will Publish It - Christian Books

Christian Authors / Writers
Let's Publish Together

The book will be a collection of short articles (writings) from various Christian authors just like you. There is also a lot of exposure for each author that participates. 

We also would like for each author that signs up to also include a short bio of themselves at the end of their article so that we can include that information at the end of your article. This is not mandatory, however, available for those authors that would like to include a short bio to be published along with their article. It is also important that you list all the books that you have published at the end of your article by title so that book lovers can find and purchase them along with your author's website address if you have one. Some authors will write a fresh new article for publication while others choose to use a portion of a chapter from a previous book that they have published and then at the end of the article place "taken from the book ( title of the book ) available on Amazon. 

Each author's article will appear in the order that they sign up and complete the payment process. So for those of you that want to be in the front portion of the book, get signed up right away as the spots go fast.

Your Part: Write something original around your favorite scripture or something that is a testimony of God's love, faithfulness, and promises. Remember, the whole purpose of the book is to bless and encourage others so that opens the door to endless topics and subjects, like Love, Grace, Mercy, Salvation, Trust, God's Word, Healing, Miracles, The Power of Prayer, Overcoming Sorrow, Overcoming Depression, Restoration, God's Promises, Personal Testimonies, etc. Blink, someone already thought of a great topic. Maybe that is you?

The Article: The overall word count of the book will be set at 50,000 words, give or take. With 25 authors participating, each author's article will need to be 2,000 words or less which calculate out to approximately 8 pages at 250 words per page. Remember, it is not how much you write or say, but rather the life-changing testimony or article that you write. Dig deep, each of you has something profound to share. Something that God has sown into you that is life-changing.

It is written that we overcome by the blood of the lamb of God and the word of our testimony. Each of you are overcomers and each of you is filled with volumes of testimonies. Life-changing testimonies or pearls as we like to call them. Let's share them with the world.

Credits and Other: Each author's name will be credited on each article, for example "written by Author John Doe, author of Faith Restored." For multi-published authors, we would make mention of up to three of your published books at the end of your article.

Sign up, let your pen flow and let's publish a book that blesses and encourages others together and shares the love and redeeming passion of Christ with the world.

Contact CBM at for further information. 

Christian Book Banners For Christian Books

Let CBM create a Custom Christian Book Banner Promotion for your book and post the Custom Banners on 50 Christian Sites with clickable links back to your book's Amazon page and website. 

Here Is What Is Included:
  • We will create 25 Custom Christian Book Banners that showcase your book.
  • We will incorporate your front book cover and back cover into the Custom Christian Book Banner. 
  • We will include your name as the author in the banner.
  • We will include your book title in the banner.
  • We will include "Available at Amazon" in the banner.
  • Each Custom Christian Book Banner will have a different background picture that compliments your book cover.
  • If you have an Author's website address, we will include your site address in the banner. 
  • We will email you all 25 Custom Christian Book Banners for your use.
  • You can post them elsewhere online, on your website, on Facebook, and on Twitter and you will also be able to print them out to use at book signing events or giveaways.
The Custom Christian Book Banners and 50-Site Christian Book Marketing Package will professionally showcase your book, get the word out, and attract book lovers and is great for not only promoting your book but also your book's Amazon page and your Author's website if you have one. Great for SEO, page rank, page positioning, and backlinks which are very important.

"Remember, if they can't find your book and do not know that it exists and is available to purchase, they can't buy it". 

Contact CBM at

Find more information about Christian Book Marketing at
Christian Book Marketing.

Christian Book Marketing presents Christian Author Gregory A. Booker

Seven Letters Declaring the Prophetic Framework
of the Return of Christ 
Gregory A. Booker
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+stars

Gregory A. Booker combines 2 of his past books, Seven Letters and Inspired Writings of a Prophet for Jesus the Christ into one book for better understanding of the author’s position, his mission and mandate, but more importantly to prepare the Church for these prophetic End Times that we are living in. 

Many have questions about where we are in this upside-down world. In this book you will find an easy format of 7 chapters “detailing”  7 Letters of inspirational writings inspired by the Holy Spirit that will become a vision and experience. They are not meant to replace the 7 Letters in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, as the author clearly states. He also encourages reader to “test the spirit” as the Bible speaks of to test that his writings are true to sound Biblical doctrine and teaching. 

Each letter contains “key scriptures” in which he gives a study and commentary of such insights that bring understanding to each chapter. Fascinating and intriguing the author gives an overview of each letter coupled with prophetic signs and current events, all culminating in the glorious return of Christ. With such chapters as: The Necessity of the Return of God’s Chosen People, Prophecy is Alive and Well and Israel is the Key, The Paradox of the Seventieth Week of Daniel, Ten-horned Kingdom Led by the Anti-Christ, Who is Mystery Babylon? Israel Promised Redemption and the Tribulation Saints, and The Christ and His Glorious Appearance. These are exciting times, yet if you are not a believer, you will be coming upon confusing times. The book encourages all to know and believe in Jesus, the Christ. He is coming and He is coming soon! 

Don’t miss this book! This is a prophetic book for the times we live in that is well-researched and written by someone who has studied the Word of God in great detail – offering us keen prophetic insight, so that all may be prepared and inspired during these turbulent times in history. 

This is a must-read book for ALL! 

Christian Book Marketing Video Book Trailers

 Lets Showcase Your Book With A Video Book Trailer Production

The Power of Video Book Trailers
and Video Book Trailer Marketing

There is nothing more impressive than showcasing your book with a professional video book trailer on sites that have millions of daily visitors. People are visual and love watching short videos and video book trailers when pondering purchasing a book.

The movie industry has used movie trailers for many years and with much success and today book publishers and best selling authors use video book trailers to showcase their books online wherever videos are hosted.

Placing a video book trailer on your author's website, blog and on other great Christian sites online is a great way to promote your book, Amazon book page and author's site. Sharing the video book trailer in your outgoing emails also makes for a great pitch.

Professional Video Book Trailer Production  ( includes )
  • Showcase Your Book Cover Image.
  • Custom Background That Compliments Your Book.
  • Incorporate Your Author Image, Picture or Logo.
  • Kindle Reader View ( 1 inside page ).
  • Book Stack, Reader and 3 Four Star Review Plugs.
  • 1 Short and Powerful Quote.
  • Book Price.
  • Ending Message.
  • Standard Music Tract. 
                                                    Christian Book Marketing

98 Year Old Retired Pastor and Author J. Bernard Taylor

Believing in God and Acting as if He Exists: A Response to Christian Athesism, takes a stand against a recent movement in the religious community known as Christian Atheism. 

These people do not believe in God, as the author states, yet conduct their lives as if God does exist. They may partake in the teachings of Christ, yet deny the existence of a God. Better known as “Practical Atheism” this philosophy is sweeping through Christian communities. 

His book provides encouragement and insight that explains a dual battle taking place among some Christian believers, resulting in a practical unbelief. As a 98-year-old retired pastor and one with a D.Min. degree, as well as being a WWII and D-Day Veteran, J. Bernard gives encouragement and much wisdom to practically live as God does truly exist. This is a better way to live.

Beginning with choosing life, the author helps one come to the understanding and knowledge from a Biblical and life perspective of “why” choosing God and His ways are a better choice for life. Full of Scripture with an interactive experience consisting of pertinent questions and prayers at the end of chapters, this read becomes more of a life application and guidebook.

With a full spectrum of not only the Good News of the Gospel, the author highlights God’s plan for peace in one’s life, along with giving advice on how to resist temptation and how to live a fulfilling Christian life. Sound Biblical teachings and Kingdom principles are written in a practical way that will help one assimilate Biblical living into their everyday life. One will also come to learn that becoming Christlike in character is obedience to the ways of Christ. 

With that said, this book is not a theological book, but describes through life experiences and choices, God’s way of life with Jesus is a better choice. Poignant questions also assist readers in reflection upon Scripture and their own life and perspectives that bring understanding and belief that God does in fact exist. He relates that living a life without God is futile. His book describes that a false belief in Christian Atheism and Practical Atheism is a poor substitute for the truth.

Similarly, one can look at how God works through life experiences. His book keenly states the differences of living in God versus only following the teachings of Christ without the saving transformation of believing upon Jesus Christ. He writes that God matters in everyday life. Further, he teaches that living a life being spiritually transformed reaches every area of our lives, to include how we conduct ourselves in the world, the Church, and in our relationships, even at work and every other aspect of life we may encounter.

Uplifting, insightful and full of Biblical wisdom, this practical book gives one the tools to keep believing in God and act as if He does exist that foster a richer and more content lifestyle with joy and happiness, knowing that God is with you and does exist. CBM Christian Book Reviews ~10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Considering the apathy and Practical Atheism that is sweeping through churches and affecting the youth, this book is a truly valuable resource.  A wonderful and highly recommended read! Get your copy of Believing in God and Acting as if He Exists: A Response to Christian Athesism at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

                                                                          Christian authors use
to get the word out about their Christian books.

A Biblical Viewpoint - Christian Thoughts

Christian Thoughts for Every Day of the Year (365 Christian Thoughts to Encourage, Inspire and Challenge) by Nathan Haddock provides short, daily Christian Scripture and devotionals. 

The author believes in brevity, yet makes his focus and inspiration clear to readers. The author states, “Everyone needs a little inspiration on their Christian journey.” How true this is, especially right now! Continuing, he writes, “For every unhelpful thought, a better thought is available to you.” 

This is a powerful truth and statement and is why readers need to get this book to shift into a forward gear after great delays across the world and nation. In particular, the world resounds with negativity, and worse, a dread for the future. This inspiring book is a way to add and cultivate a healthy, positive mental state in your Christian walk that will strengthen your mind, and bring a new perspective from a Biblical viewpoint. 


Following the daily calendar, the author writes on each day of the 12-month year. In this way, the author has given readers insight and a straightforward way to feed on the Word of God.  In keeping with sound Biblical doctrine, the author’s positive inspiration and insightfulness will bring a refreshing change to each day of the upcoming year. In simple ways, he digs deep, refocusing readers on God’s faithfulness, while pointing the reader to continue to walk in the good and pure ways of the Lord.


You won’t regret reading this life-changing book to foster lasting change, growth, and focus in your daily walk with God. 


This is an author who has been writing Christian inspirational thoughts and blog for twenty years. Readers can trust in his gleaning from Scripture and experience as a Christian author.

Christian Thoughts for Every Day of the Year 
(365 Christian Thoughts to Encourage, Inspire and Challenge)
Nathan Haddock
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

You may get your copy of Christian Thoughts for Every Day of the Year at Amazon 
or in Kindle as a download.  

Christian authors use
to get the word out about their Christian books.

New Book Release - A Must Have, Must Read Book

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women has Inspirational Scriptures, Powerful Prayers, Meaningful Positive Affirmations, and Dynamic Images to get your days starting joyfully and your nights ending serenely.

Each morning and night contain a scripture, a prayer, a positive affirmation, and an image. Each page also has a place to write the date as you read and a place to write notes.

No scripture, prayer or positive affirmation is repeated. All the prayers and positive affirmations are unique to the scriptures that they’re with. You will not be bored reading this devotion. It’s different from any other devotion that you’ve read before. This is written in an interesting and engaging style to get you reading each morning and night without skipping a day.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women starts from Day 1 and goes to Day 365. This means that you can start using this book at any time during the year. It’s not based on calendar year but rather YOUR year. This devotion will give you the chance to somewhat read the entire Bible, or at least get you close to doing that in 365 days.

This devotion tells the story of God and His agape love for His most beloved creation…us. This devotion is written to be read over the course of a year. However, if you find that you can’t wait to complete it over a year’s time, then go right ahead and read it how you want to read it. This devotion was written to assist you in living the best spiritual and temporal lives that you can. It was also written to make you enjoy reading the Bible and understand what it is about. This devotion is intriguing, fascinating, and a page-turner.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women is for Women who want to improve and be a better version of themselves. Women who are looking for a fun way of reading the Bible. Women who are looking for a new devotion. New believers. Long-time Christians. Former Christians. Teenagers.

Christian authors use
to get the word out about their Christian books.

Shining Light On Darkness - Kindle Book Promotion

 What do you do when the skies in your life turn dark? 

There are many struggles in this difficult world that can darken our skies. It may be ongoing health issues, depression/anxiety, relationship struggles, financial calamity and so much more. 

Andy Laurie, MD, had seemingly the perfect life. He had a successful medical practice. He was starting a second career as a pastor. He was young and healthy. He had a beautiful, loving wife and four small children. His life could not have been better. It was nothing but blue skies. 

Then, the unthinkable hit. He was struck with a devastating illness. The skies of his once-wonderful life became dark, very dark. 

Dr. Laurie has been battling illness for nearly two decades. He has now courageously shared his story with you. Relying on nearly thirty years of medical practice and over twenty years in the ministry, Dr. Laurie has written prescriptions for you to find hope, strength, contentment, joy, and even victory when the struggles of life have darkened your blue skies.

Christian authors use
Christian Book Marketing
to share their books with the world. 

Christian Book Marketing - Custom Book Banner Promotions

Custom Book Banner Promotions

Let's create 10 Custom Banners that showcase your book.

Here is what you get:

  • 10 Custom Banner Backgrounds - We will send you all 10 custom banners using 10 separate backgrounds so that you can share them by email, online, through social media, on your website or on your blog. We will use backgrounds that will compliment your book cover image. Some authors print them out as giveaways or to use at book signings.
  • We Will Post One Banner On 10 Sites with a link back to your website or book's Amazon page.
  • That's Marketing On 10 Separate Christian Sites That Showcases Your Book and Shares Your Amazon Page Link So That People Can Purchase Your Book.
  • Plus We Will Promote Your Book Using A Banner Through Social Media On Two Separate Twitter Pages.
( see a sample here )  Christian Book Release 

Christian authors depend upon Christian Book Marketing 
Contact CBM at kingdomexpansion1(at)gmail(dot)com

Christian Book Marketing - Showcase Your Book With An Author Site

Christian Book Marketing for Christian books.
Christian Author Site Creations

Every author needs an author's site to share and showcase their book. Book lovers enjoy visiting an Author's site to read about the author and their book. It is a proven fact that best selling authors use author sites to promote their books.

We create Author sites that have various stand alone pages just like a website, however, without the high cost. With your author's site, you will get:
~ An About the Author Page.
~ A Book Description Page.
~ A Book Review Page.
~ A Press Release Page.
~ A Book Trailer Page.
~ A How and Where to Order Page.
~ A Contact Page.
~ Social Media Buttons.
~ Direct Links To Your Author Book Page at Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, NOOK Book and other sites where people can purchase your book 
~ plus more ....

For further information on how you can get a Author Site, contact Christian Book Marketing

Christian Author Press Releases - Professional Press Releases For The Christian Author

Press Releases for Christian Books
Christian Author Press Releases
Professional Press Releases For The Christian Author

CBM Christian Author Press Release can make a huge difference for a new author or new book release. With a professionally written and submitted press release written by Christian Book Marketing’s Press Release department, both you as author and your new book release will receive expanded exposure through the power of online marketing and exposure. 

Christian Book Marketing - Video Book Trailers

 Christian Video Book Trailer Marketing

There is nothing more impressive than showcasing your book with a professional video book trailer hosted on You Tube which has millions of daily visitors. People are visual. The movie industry has used movie trailers for many years and with much success and today book publishers and best selling authors use video book trailers to showcase their books on YouTube and online wherever videos are hosted.

Placing a video book trailer on your author's website, blog and on other great Christian sites online is a great way to promote your book, Amazon book page and author's site.

Video Book Trailer Production  ( includes )
  • Showcase Your Book Cover Image.
  • Custom Background That Compliments Your Book.
  • Incorporate Your Author Image, Picture or Logo.
  • Kindle Reader View ( 1 inside page ).
  • Book Stack, Reader and 3 Four Star Review Plugs.
  • 1 Short and Powerful Quote.
  • Book Price.
  • Ending Message.
  • Standard Music Tract. 
  • The Video Book Trailer Will be hosted on YouTube.
  • Your Book Description Will Also Appear On The You Tube Video Page.
  • We Will Post The Video On 10 Great Christian Sites With Your Book Description and a Link Back To Your Amazon or Kindle Book Page.
  • We will provide you with a special link so you can share your video in your outgoing emails and a code to post it on sites that allow video posting.